

Learn The Referral-Based Copywriting Business Model to Make 6 Figures this Year Working From Anywhere - even if you're brand new and have zero experience.


Imagine you easily get clients who pay you anywhere from $1000 - $10k+ to write for them?

Even if all you wanted to do was work part-time on evenings and weekends for a little extra cash…

Imagine this...

Client #1 is paying you $1,000 to review and audit their sales page

Client #2 is paying you $3,500 to write their sales sequence

Client #3 is paying you $8,000 to help write the content for their launch

Your Monthly Total = $12,500

Now, what if you could do all of that work in just a few days per month working with only 3 clients?

But here's where it gets even better...

What if you didn't have to worry where those clients are coming from because you don't have to market your business the traditional way anymore...

Instead, you're getting PAID to access a network of high paying clients that will happily pay for your services...

This is the exact method Keshani used to flip the client attraction model on it's head so she gets PAID to work with her dream clients without having to market her business...

The Highly Paid Copywriter Method is different because it doesn't require any of this...

🚫 Setting up a complicated marketing funnel
🚫 Spending a ton of money on ads 
🚫 Doing a bunch of sales calls 
🚫 Posting on social media 24/7
🚫 Sending cold emails, messages or DM's 
🚫 Spending hours trying to market your business 
🚫 Worrying where your next client or project is coming from... 

Instead, you'll have dream clients lined up waiting to work with you which means... 

✅ You can charge premium rates for your work and clients will happily say YES 
✅ You can pick and choose what types of projects you want to work on 
✅ You only have to work on a few projects every month to make $10K


The problem with starting or running your own business...

It takes a lot of work.

Just marketing your business to get clients can be a full time job.

And that means most businesses either never take off because they can't figure out how to get clients...

.... or they stay stuck and spinning because they aren't getting enough high ticket clients on repeat...

Here's the truth...
You're good at what you do but that doesn't mean you want to spend hours on social media, blogging, running ads or learning whatever the trendy marketing tactic of the day is...

But you see those big name copywriters making tons of money with clients lining up to pay thousands of dollars for them to write for them...

The ones that always seemed to be booked out and have probably never even hear the words, 'I can't afford it'...

Here's what I need you to know...

They aren't better at what they do.

And who knows how much time, money and energy they're spending to get those clients...

So here's BIG the secret...

There is a better way to get those high dollar clients that happily pay your 4 and 5 figure rates...

You don't have to be a good marketer to make it work...

You don't need to spend hours figuring it out...

You don't have to set up any funnels or buy another software...

In fact, you will spend so little time marketing your business that you'll have to figure out what to do with all of that extra time...

✔️ Make more money because you have the time to take on one of the clients dying to work with you.

✔️ Take a vacation because you deserve it and you don't have to worry your business will break.

✔️ You can even say goodbye to social media if you want...

And if that sounds like something you're interested in...

Come join us in
and we’ll show you how to:

>>> The ins and outs of copywriting so that you can write words that sell for high ticket dream clients.

>>> Work from the comfort of your home, a little cafe or anywhere else in the world. All you need is your laptop and a wifi connection and you can choose to make your own schedule – work as little or as much as your heart desires!

>>> The easiest way to get clients that doesn't involve endless marketing, posting on social media or doing a bunch of sales calls <<--- it may sound too good to be true, but it's very, very real.

Let’s make you some serious money as an in demand copywriter...

Meet Your Instructors!

Amy built her reputation as an expert in marketing and sales when she built and sold a 7figure ads management agency from scratch!

She started out as a freelancer and grew her business to $250k/year and then into a 7 figure ad agency.

Her skills as an ads manager, marketer and copywriter helped her support her clients in creating consistent 7 and 8 figures!

Amy now uses her knowledge to teach other people how to start and grow highly successful businesses, even if they're brand new!

Keshani started her career as a freelance copywriter in 2019. With testimonials and word-of-mouth referrals, she was quickly able to serve more clients and help them reach 6 and 7 figures in their businesses.

With her reputation, she became the go-to copywriter for spiritual coaches and course creators. Keshani built a multiple 6 figure brand while pregnant and raising a new baby.

She now coaches new copywriters to create highly profitable businesses that allows them to work from anywhere while making "life-changing" amounts of money.

You can be a highly paid copywriter even if...

You don't have clients or testimonials.

You're brand new -- no experience, degrees or certifications needed.

You're an introvert and hate marketing.

You don't have a ton of time (you can literally set your own schedule based on the hours you want to work).

We're going to teach you how to get paid well to write copy for clients and how to easily get those clients with our HCP Method.

It's not complicated and doesn't require a bunch of fancy marketing -- but it WORKS.

Once you put this simple system to work for you - you'll have an endless stream of dream clients wanting to work with you, your bank account will be overflowing with 'New Payment Received' notifications...

And you'll have the time and money to live life on your terms...

It all starts here...

Let us show you the simple marketing strategy Keshani created that flips the entire client attraction process on it's head...

  • Stop paying for ads, expensive funnels or wasting time on social media. Instead it's time to get PAID to get access to a network of your dream clients.
  • Learn how you can work with 1-3 clients and easily make $5k, $10k, $25k+ a month or more as a freelance copywriter (really it's up to you how much you want to make).
  • Create a true lifestyle business that gives you the freedom to work around your own schedule while making the money you want to make

Are You Ready to Learn How to Become A Highly Paid Copywriter?


This never before taught client attraction method is how copywriters are scaling their business by having waitlists of dream clients to work with - without worker harder or more.


Mastering Your Mindset + Finances

  • How to show up as the go-to copywriter even when you feel like you’re not ready
  • How to transition from the corporate, steady paycheck mindset to BEing an entrepreneur
  • How to feel more confident and in control around money.
  • How Set Your Business Up for Financial Success so you get PAID


The HCP Marketing Method

  • How to use the simple HCP Method to easily connect with a endless pool of your ideal clients that are excited to pay your new rates and can't wait to work with you (without cold dming or icky sales strategies).
  • The quickest and easiest way to get your first clients (or more clients) that you can do in less than a few minutes (without cold DMing or messaging). 
  • That's it -- because once you have this system in place you don't need any other complicated marketing strategies...


Your Money Making Packages

  • How to Create & Price Your HCP 'Get Paid' Package to get clients on repeat (we'll explain why this offer is different than your traditional retainer and how to use it an 'intro' offer to your higher ticket packages without all of the marketing and hustling.
  • How to incorporate some of our favorite cash injection offers and how they can give you more freedom (like Day Rates, VIP Days, Audits)
  • How to Easily Raise Your Rates + exactly what to say to your clients when you do so they happily say yes


Easy YES Sales Conversations

  • How to position and market your new offer so you get an instant 'YESSS' instead of 'You charge how much??? I'll have to think about it.'
  • Our exact conversation points so you can show up to your calls prepared and ready to book your next client. 
  • How to handle common objections, questions and how to easily recognize red flags so you’re only working with your dream clients. 
  • Proposal examples + how to follow up after a sales conversation + contracts 


Work Less With These Systems & Processes

  • Why your on-boarding process is so important to you and the client and how this will save you so much time. 
  • Exactly what your on-boarding should and shouldn’t include to create a 5 star experience for your client that gets them excited to work with you.
  • An overview of the systems, tools and processes we use to run our business that you can quickly implement to save you hours worth of work.
  • How to off-board a client so there is clear end date to your work together + they give you glowing testimonials + referrals.


Write Like a Pro Training Library

  • Get instant access to our entire 8 module copywriting training library so you can learn to write like a pro.
  • Step by step how to write effective copy your clients will love including ad copy, emails, sales sequences, sales pages, landing pages and more.
  • Learn how to use Buyer Psychology to write words that sell (and make your clients happy

When you sign up today, you get instant access to all modules and bonuses!


>> USE PROMO CODE HPC25 to SAVE $500! <<

12 Monthly Payments of $197

Pay in Full + Get Listed in the Ads Manager School Directory - $1997


But what if you’ve never written more than a grocery list before?

Don’t worry! We've got you covered!

You'll be getting access to Keshani's entire copywriting course so you can learn the exact copy skills you need to get started.

We’re giving you all of our 6 figure campaign templates, checklists and processes so you feel confident taking new clients on and getting them case study worthy results.

These will save you HOURS worth of extra work and headaches trying to figure it out on your own.

This way you can spend less time worrying if you're doing it right and more time showing up as the badass freelancer that you are.




>> USE PROMO CODE HPC25 to SAVE $500! <<

12 Monthly Payments of $197

Pay in Full + Get Listed in the Ads Manager School Directory - $1997

This is for you if you…

  • Want to start your own business providing a service but don’t want to waste time figuring it out alone. 
  • Are tired of spinning your wheels scrambling to find clients.
  • Are sick of clients that want results - but don’t want to pay. 
  • Want an online business so you can live on your own terms but you don’t want to be handcuffed to your computer. 
  • Are ready to big impact in the world with the work you do.

The Real Deal

...Hint: It’s not (all) about the money.

This course is everything you need to create a copywriting business that gives you freedom to work from anywhere on your schedule.

We’re talking to you busy parents, you 9-5ers and anyone who really only has a few hours a week to get started.

If you can commit to a few hours a week, we got you covered!

You have LIFETIME ACCESS to all the program content and will get free access to any future upgrades.

Work through the program on evenings, on weekends and when the kiddos are down for a nap and…

>>> Peek how we structure our work days to only work 25 hours/week without being tied to our laptops 24/7. 

>>> Get insider-access to us to ask those burning questions about building a 6 figure biz.

We love what we do. And We want that for you too. 

You’ll get all this in a take-action framework. 

I’m going to break it all down for you: 

  • The one and done HCP marketing systems so you can starting getting clients and making money fast.
  • Exactly how to price your packages and services (and what you should and shouldn’t be including).
  • The exact systems you need to shift your work into autopilot so you can spend more time enjoying your flexible lifestyle.
  • How to serve your clients so you get them real results so they stay on your roster (and refer others).

>> USE PROMO CODE HPC25 to SAVE $500! <<

12 Monthly Payments of $197

Pay in Full + Get Listed in the Ads Manager School Directory - $1997

Frequently Asked Questions

✔️ How is this course delivered? Is it live or recorded?  
This is a hybrid course which means you'll get immediate access to some of the course content and bonuses when you sign up. Other content will be dripped out over the next few weeks (see schedule above).

✔️ I really need help with getting more clients. Will you help me with that?
Of course! We’re giving you Keshani's entire HCP marketing strategy that you implement to start getting clients fast. And the best part? You only need 1-3 clients to make this work.  

✔️What if I'm brand new and don't have any experience? Will you teach me how to write copy?
Definitely! We're going to teach you the copy skills you need to feel confident as a copywriter and teach you how to fill your schedule with your ideal clients too!

✔️ Is there any live support?
You bet there is! You'll 12 weeks of support in our private FB group + 2x monthly Q&A + 2x monthly copy reviews.

✔️ How long do I have access?
You have lifetime access to the entire course + all the templates, swipe files and worksheets.

✔️ What's your refund policy?
Due to the nature of this program and the fact that you are getting instant to a majority of the materials upon signing up, our refund policy is as follows... If you decide this isn't for you, you can request a refund within 7 calendar days of the program start date. To be eligible, you must not complete more than 30% of the course. If you download the entire course and materials via our online membership, no refund will be payable. Have questions or want to make sure this is the right fit for you? Send an email to hello@sociallabmarketing.com.

I'm ready! Sign me up!

Build My 6 Figure Agency